
Showing posts from October, 2018

James Stachowiak is a Wanker

I was reading about James Stachowiak on Facebook. I looked him up. A wanker. No, I didn't find any pictures of him with his hands down his pants. The more I read about him, the more I guessed he probably tried and didn't find anything to grab onto, but who knows? Is he a member of the Daily Stormtrooper, aka, "Storm the Pooper," the YMCA of the alt-right? I wouldn't be surprised. Anything he had, he broke off rubbing it against some inanimate object when he was 13. Tiny, delicate things are prone to break. He's one of those guys who thinks he's better than Jews. He's not. Are Jews better than him? As character goes, most of the time. His daddy it looks like was smart. Even joined MENSA . Junior must have felt inadequate, having a small brain as well as small other body parts. It is funny reading his dad's obit. He sounds like a decent man. Little Jimmy must be in snits knowing his dad worshiped the world's most famous Jew. Here is