Church of Scientology is a Cult

I'm no theologian. Anybody who knows me anywhere knows I think a lot of church people are full of shit. OK. That's a little over the top because I know some churchies who seem like regular people. They seem like they do what they should be doing and don't pretend to be perfect. I respect those.

Some talk to damn much about shit they hate so those people are full of crap. The other ones bitch about what other believe and they are full of shit too. Can't get a straight answer out of them. Facebook is full of this.

Then there are the bastards who want me to read a book whenever I ask them a question. What hell am I, a librarian?

The show-offs are out there, "Look at me, I'm a holy roller." These fools brag about any damn thing they do. Keep your joy in your pants, would you?

None of these freaks are as bad the Scientologists, though. I know, I know, John Travolta and Tom Cruise are Scientologists. Who cares? They are rich and famous.

Scientologists are control freaks. You tell a Christian they are bull of bullshit and the good ones take it. Tell a Scientologist he's full of bullshit and he goes nuts. Who do they think they are? Muslims?



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