Hey Fatso! Fat People Should Stop Fake Sweeteners

It sounds too good to be true. You know fatsos who do this.

You want coffee but you are fat so you add sweetener. Are you still fat?

I'm not a nutritionist. All I can tell you is what you already know. Most of you fatsos are fat because your diet is shit and you are a lazy bastard.

Artificial Sweeteners Don't Help People Lose Weight, Review Finds

That article is on NPR. Don't like NPR but are still fat? Shut up. Anything you'll say is bullshit.

If you have a real issue that causes your weight problem, I don't mean you. I'm talking about the people out there who piss and moan about being fat who could do something.

If you want to lose weight, get your ass out there. Walk. Stop with the snacks.

I know people who can't give up snacks and are fat asses. They are wusses.

I know one guy who lost as much as I did who can't give up snacks. That dumbass uses supplements. His ass is addicted to sweets. He gained every ounce back.


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