So I Walk Into a Bar and...

...And no I didn't walk into a bar.

I got to thinking I should take a class or two. There's things I want to learn. I'm in good shape, but I won't be young forever. What will I do after construction?

I don't know. There are things which sound cool that I think I could do. I have good credit, and could get some buddies to invest with me. They know I work my ass off.

I do lawn maintenance now when I'm not on a project. I cut friends' lawns. Some of their neighbors too. Nothing hard. It is just work. I have days off out of nowhere, so I grab them, pop my mower into my pickup and ka-ching, this funky white boy is making cash.
  • Own/operate a gas station. Might not be safe. I can handle myself, but there are idiots who popped a cashier a few months ago near a buddy's house. Cashier had a gun but was too slow on the draw, and the idiots saw it, freaked out, and pumped him. Every once in a while I think why am I here where soccer moms are crawling everywhere and then I think how safe it is.
  • Own/operate/live in a small apartment building. A four unit place. I could do this.
  • Get into snow removal/lawn cutting. All I need is a plow and more clients.
So what do I need to know? 


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