Why Are People So Crabby?
You hear them too. Where do you live? I am New York City. NYC. The land where we are famous for being crabby.
I think I know why. I asked around. Too many people are too damned obsessed about negative bullshit. It is like they love to complain. How happy are they? They must be deliriously happy because every day it is the same.
What's worse is they never look at what's good.
I'm no psychologist, but turn off the damn radio. Get out and live life instead of whacking off to some talk show bastard who wants to tell you how bad the world is. Like hell it is. That talk show host is a millionaire, while the dopes complaining are working their asses off to survive. Nothing wrong with being a millionaire, but that guy has no right to complain.
I'm not saying that there is a good economy when there isn't. When the Yankees lost, man, that sucked too. I can't tell you it didn't. But I gotta a job. I still have a place to live and eat too much as it is. What do I have to bitch about? Nothing.
If you are living broke and homeless, and are sitting in some public library reading my blog, what will complaining do for you? First of all, good for you. You can read, you have access to a computer. You can even go to your newspaper online and look for a job.
Quit your bitchin'!
What's going good in your life?
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