What's Next? Getting My Ass Into College

Was asking myself the other day what's next? Time to finish my degree, baby. I had a friend finish his degree -- 60 years old. Way to go. Here's to you, Ray.

A lot of my pansy-ass friends mope around how bad life is, and aren't doing shit to improve things. I realized I was kind of like that. So I said I'm going back to school. They all laughed, trying to tell me how much unemployment there is. Then they tell me about how they know people with PhD who are out of work.

Big deal. Do I care about the guy with a PhD? His life isn't my life. Too bad for him, I hope he makes it. Me, I gotta take care of me.

I am finding a school, enrolling this summer. Getting my ass a college degree.

Saw this video and got inspired. He took some risks and now will be on TV. He's from Brooklyn, baby. Looks like he might be my age too.


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