Two Kinds of People in This World: Ass Sitters and Ass Movers

Naw, there's no way to sum up people that nicely. There are two kinds of people, even if there are kinds than that.

You got yer doers, and you got yer complainers. Now, any of you reading right now know ahead of time I don't play that politically correct chitter chatter water cooler nonsense. No, mam.

Doers are Ass Movers
You see, those doers, we love 'em. Chuck Norris, see, he's a doer. But he's got a roundhouse kick that not everyone has got. I don't. But the real doers are the ones who ain't working with roundhouse kicks. I'm going to call them, "Ass Movers" because they move their ass.

Why do we like Chuck? He never loses it, never complains. He just goes and gets it done. When there's trouble, he moves his ass, see?

Best Tango Album in the World EverThere is this old guy down the hall from me. I never can remember his name. He's gotta be in his 70s, but he isn't waiting for death that's for damn sure. Still is working somewhere. Then I see him around, doing weird shit. He took a tango class. That's not it though. The damn Geritol man is writing a book.

Hell, I respect anyone who has finished writing one of these things. That's different than "I'm writing a book, la di da." La di da, my ass. Fish or cut bait.

Black Satin Tango Style Dress with BowThis ancient bastard isn't telling people about it. He is writing the damn thing. I only know this because I found his some of his mail on the floor and brought it up to him. So I asked him what was what. He told me he fought in Korea, and wanted to get it all down. Then he kicked my ass out because he wanted to write two more pages before tango class. Told me there was some hottie widow in a black dress there.

Weird, but good for him. He's not dead yet.

Complainers are Ass Sitters
What we are talking about here are bitchers. Moaners. Belly achers. Easy chair QBs. You know the ones. Like this one guy I work with sometimes. Mickey. You know want he doesn't like? Besides the damn blisters he has from not wearing gloves on the job, he will tell you til he is blue in the face that he's tired of his condo board.

Mickey owns a condo. Not a big one. He is pumping out maybe $900 a month in his mortgage, but he works his ass off and owns the damn thing. That's good. That's not all though. He gripes day in and day out about the board that runs the thing. The board are just people in his building.

The halls aren't clean, things are broken, and something about a funky smell on the second floor. I will tell, being funky is usually a good thing, but not when it precedes the word 'smell'.

I guess that's all true. I don't know, but Mickey says so. So I ask him what is gonna do about it. Nothing he says. They never listen to him.

Bullshit! They listened every time he said nothing and every time he didn't run for the board. They know he will put up with their crap, and have no reason to change. He might get elected too. Mickey says half the building hates the board. However, half the building is sitting on their asses. That means Mickey too. He is a chief sitter because he complains every single day. Don't even look at his Facebook account. Cries on there like a little girl. Today, he went off on a rant. His status update "^*%^ building manager is licking themselves again. Why can't they fix the door? People who don't live here can get in."

Giant Vomit - Fake Prank VomitIf Mickey actually gave a damn, he would do something about. He's just a wanker. He loves to complain. Reminds of my neighbor's dog when I was little. Damn dog would throw up then go sniff it.

That's Mickey. There's vomit all around him, and he just loves to sniff it.


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