Who Cares What Pat Robertson Said?

Wankers all in a tizzy that nutcase Robertson yacked.

Who is the idiot? Robertson or the boneheads all jacked up agreeeing or disagreeing with what he said?

Lemme tell you, some little girl in Haiti is starving while wankers are wanking their wankers over what a wankers wanked them with. You got it?

In other words, shut the hell up about Robertson or loudmouth Limbaugh and donate to Haiti or to some refugee center near you. NYC has 'em. You might have them too.


  1. OK, I have been trying to comment... Why can't I?

  2. My mom died... Today's the Wake...

    1. It has been 12 years. You and your sister must miss her. I miss mine.

  3. Wow, I am terribly sorry man. This has gotta hurt. Saw your blog a couple days ago. Been offline a couple weeks, but I want you to know that I know that you are going through a rough patch. Stay strong.

  4. oH why couldn't you post.

    I have to approve all comments. If I don't, I get lots of drug and porn spam. sorry about that. Nothing personal, really.


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